10 Feb 2020
February 10, 2020

1060 aluminum alloy sheet price

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1060 aluminum alloy sheet price is low and it is industrial pure aluminum, the aluminum content (mass fraction) is 99.60%, which can not be strengthened by heat treatment. The surface of pure aluminum alloy sheet is silvery white, and its density decreases with the increase of purity or temperature. They have high conductivity and thermal conductivity,.. read more →

The 1000 series aluminum sheet metal is also called pure aluminum sheet metal, and the representative grades are 1050, 1060, 1070 and 1100 aluminum, the 1060 aluminum sheet metal is the most widely used product. The 1000 series aluminum sheet is the most widely used and cost-effective aluminum sheet. For most industries, the 1000 series aluminum.. read more →

1060 aluminum sheet is another representative product in 1000 series aluminum alloys. 1060 aluminum alloy is formed by pure aluminum added by a small amount of copper element, which has excellent forming processing characteristics, high corrosion resistance, good weld ability and conductivity. The same as 1050 aluminum sheet, the aluminum sheet 1060 is widely used in.. read more →